
Plaidy, Jean
The Bastard King (Royal Intrigue)
Evergreen Gallant
A Favorite of the Queen (Royal Intrigue)
Goddess of the Green Room (Royal Intrigue)
The Goldsmith’s Wife (Royal Intrigue)
Indiscretions of the Queen (Royal Intrigue)
The King’s Confidante (Royal Intrigue)
The Lady in the Tower
Louis the Well Beloved
Madame du Barry
Madame Serpent (HNR review)
Meg Roper
The Merry Monarch’s Wife
The Murder in the Tower
Perdita’s Prince
The Plantagenet Prelude (Royal Intrigue)
The Prince and the Quakeress
The Queen of Diamonds (Royal Intrigue)
The Princess of Celle
Queen Jezebel (HNR review)
The Queen’s Devotion (William’s Wife) (Royal Intrigue)
The Queen’s Husband
The Revolt of the Eaglets (Royal Intrigue)
The Shadow of the Pomegranate (Royal Intrigue)
The Star of Lancaster
The Sun in Splendour
Sweet Lass of Richmond Hill
The Third George
The Young Mary Queen of Scots

Holt, Victoria
Bride of Pendorric
Mistress of Mellyn
My Enemy the Queen (Royal Intrigue)
The Time of the Hunter’s Moon

Carr, Philippa
Daughters of England (